Yogurt And Your Health

Yogurt And Your Health

Yogurt is a coagulated milk product made from the fermentation of lactic acid in milk by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.  The L bulgaricus and the S thermophilus are friendly bacteria that are responsible for the conversion process.  These bacteria also play a very important role in the healthy conditions of our intestines. Lactobacillus acidophilus is another one of these friendly bacteria that is used in the process of producing yogurt from milk.  These bacteria are live cultures that are used in the fermentation process and they also exists in the finished product, yogurt.

 Yogurt is rich in calcium, potassium, protein, vitamin B including vitamin B-12.  This is a healthy product from which the body can benefit.  The live bacteria present in the yogurt helps to maintain a balance in the intestine by keeping the bad bacteria in check.  Various research have shown that yogurt also improves the immune system and helps to reduce the production of yeast in female.

In order for yogurt to be effective it should contain the live culture.  Although it may sound very complex it is very easy to make your own yogurt.  Goat milk, cow's milk (whole) or skimmed milk can be used to make your own yogurt. In addition some yogurt starter culture will be needed.  This can be purchased or obtained from existing yogurt with the live culture.  In making my yogurt I normally use two table spoon of a good commercial plain yogurt to a quart of milk

Home made yogurt.
  1. Bring to boil one quart of milk.
  2. Allow to cool to a temperature about 40 degrees F above room temperature.
  3. Take a portion of the freshly boiled milk and mix it with 2 tablespoon of the plain yogurt until a homogeneous solution exists.
  4. Add the result from step 3 above to the rest of the milk. Stir to produce an even solution.
  5. Cover the new solution and place in a temperature controlled environment that can maintain a temperature of between 110-114 degrees F for between 4 and 6 hours.
  6. The yogurt can be transferred to a clean container and placed in your refrigerator for chilling.
The yogurt can be used as a salad dressing or blended with fruits to make a delicious drink.

In making my yogurt, I use my oven as the controlled temperature environment.  I have a 60 watt bulb that is turned on to keep the oven warm.  After the solution is made in step 5 above I put it in the oven with the light on just before going to bed.  By morning , when I wake my yogurt is ready!
by: OUTSIDE SOURCE------------------

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