Mayana Plant and Health Benefits

Mayana Plant and Health Benefits

MAYANA Health Benefits and its Uses
Mayana is a Tagalog word, one of the dialects in the Philippines. It is also known Coleus in English.
Mayana Plant and Health Benefits
What is Mayana or Coleus Blumei ?
It is perennial aromatic herb of southeastern Asia having large usually bright-colored or blotched leaves, with toothed margins and blue violet flowers, numerous, in simple or branched inflorences. Coleus is Erect, branched, fleshy herb, the stem is purplish and 4 angled.

They are commonly known as Coleus, a name which derives from an earlier classification under the genus name coleus.
Mayana Plant and Health BenefitsMayana Plant and Health Benefits
Where can we find them?
Mayana or Coleus is a genus of perennial plants native to Tropical places. Africa, Asia, Australia, the East Indies, the Malay Archipelago, and the Philippines.

It is also in different houses used as ornaments. Some schools in the Philippines has herbal plants.
Mayana Plant and Health BenefitsMayana Plant and Health Benefits
What are the uses of this plant?
  • As ornaments
  • Herbal medicine
Mild bleeding of wounds : Pick the bigger leaves and wash it. Crush and extract the juice. Squeezed the leaves directly on the wound and apply the crushed leaves as poultice.
Headache : Pound leaves and apply over temples and nape.
Bruises and Sprains : Crush or pound 5 - 10 leaves and apply over the ankles, wrist or affected areas for 30 minutes.
Do we need it?

Maybe. I know almost everybody has a medicinal cabinet at home or first aid kit when you do camping. This is just an information that you will never know it might come on handy. Like your kids will have an assignment about herbal plants. You got already an idea that the Coleus in your garden or in the pot is an herbal plant. You can also enjoy the colorful leaves in your garden.
Mayana Plant and Health BenefitsMayana Plant and Health Benefits
Mayana Plant and Health BenefitsMayana Plant and Health Benefits
Mayana Plant and Health BenefitsMayana Plant and Health Benefits
Mayana Plant and Health Benefits
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