10 Tips For Depression

10 Tips for depression
For some of us may be seasonal depression, or associated with the weather, loss or sad memories of important events in life. For others, it may have nothing to do with anything, just know that feeling out of control going to happen, and there seems to be nothing you can do to stop it. 

Are you agree that in our modern society, depression seems to be happening in epidemic proportions? Even young children, adolescents and college-age adults have been diagnosed as clinically depressed. 

What is the answer?

I do not think anyone is 100% sure of anything. Although I know I've never been one to promote pharmaceutical products, on the other hand, I realize that this is a sensitive issue and antidepressant medications are usually the resource of choice given by leading health professionals on the diagnosis of depression. 

However, in 2002, a contributor to The Washington Post, Shankar Vedantam, wrote an article entitled "Against Depression, a sugar pill is hard to beat," which states that "in 52 % of FDA trials, the effects of antidepressants could not be distinguished from those of placebo. " 

What's more, the research also indicated that "greater severity of depression was associated with a greater change in symptoms . depression in patients treated with antidepressants, against the opposite effect was observed in the placebo pill condition " 

The bottom line is: drugs are not a long term solution. Note: In no way am I suggesting that you stop taking prescribed medication. That's something you need to work with your doctor. 

10 Tips for dealing with depression naturally:

. Instead of pharmaceutical therapy medicine, it might be appropriate to begin to look to natural remedies for depression 

. Prevention is key  if You know your depression triggers, do everything possible to avoid it. Reduces anxiety, maintain a healthy diet, and participate in an exercise program, everything is easier said than done, I know, however, are the most effective preventive measures. 

Exercise . If you are not exercising regularly I recommend it highly. There are many different forms of exercise (ie, yoga, aerobics, weightlifting, running, etc.) Start slowly exercising up to half an hour less per day - can be even more beneficial for the treatment / prevention of depression if you can do on the outside - this will help the blood flowing in all parts of your body and begin to feel better almost instantly. The most important element any exercise program is to find one that is suitable for you.

Diet.  Your diet should be rich in calcium and B vitamins, short refined carbohydrates and avoid sugar like the plague. Eat fresh and sustainable food, and the use of supplements as necessary. 

Herbal supplements.  Herbs contain many medicinal powers and can cure a variety of ailments. The herb St. John is one of the most promising for the treatment of depression herbs. It has been used for centuries by the peoples and cultures around the world. Some of the other beneficial herbs include, passionflower, lemon balm, lavender, lemon, valerian, whole oats and nettle.Begins to investigate the benefits of herbs for depression and anxiety, while you seek the advice of a certified herbalist, naturopath, or other holistic health care professional.

Get enough sleep.  Once in a state of depression, one of two things can happen: sleep much or can not sleep at all. A great way to protect yourself from sleep irregularities is to create a bedtime routine and stick to it every day. Take a relaxing bath (with Epsom salts), drink a herbal tea to help induce sleep naturally, reduce stimulants, do what works for your lifestyle, but watch your dream. 

Pay a visit to nature .  Prioritize your time in nature to spend at least 30 minutes a day outdoors. It is essential for us to connect with nature, especially in times of depression. Chops wood, spend time in the garden, walk the dog, take a walk, ride a bike, ride canoe, go skiing ... whatever you choose to do, do it for at least half an hour - more if you can . Exposure to sunlight alone can do wonders. 

Use your hands to create something.  Revive your gifts given by life - because we all have them - and use them to make something beautiful. I found that the times I've been more depressed is because I have not heard a deep longing within me ... you know, the one who calls me to make something out of myself. Whether to do something in the house, cooking for your family, work on your car, weaving, baking, write, take photos, paint pictures ... stop resisting, follow your heart and do what you like. 

Do something for someone else . When you are depressed, our thoughts tend to turn inward. Often they begin to revive our wounds and sometimes helping people who are suffering, help us. It is therapeutic to be able to find the meaning of doing good.

Talk it intellectually . Depression is not the cause of extreme sadness and hopelessness - it is a symptom. If there is a specific problem that's causing you these feelings ... face him head on. Investigates solutions, meet with a therapist or counselor, it sets targets and comes up with a plan. Do not let your problems go unanswered. Hope can be found in step moving step by step towards the solution of our problems. 

Call a friend.  It could be that we are afraid of becoming a burden to those who love us, but we must remember that we are beings relate - especially designed to live in community with others. Resist the temptation to isolate yourself and call a friend!

I hope some of these tips will help you as they have helped me. Depression is not something to be ashamed anymore. Nobody in life is made ​​of roses!Depression is a problem like any other - it's not a character flaw or a moral deficiency - and there are natural methods that can help. In the end, you must take the time to know yourself and discover what works best for you.Unfortunately, there are no quick and easy solutions ... but there is hope! 

If you've struggled with depression in the past, please feel free to share your natural remedies. Who knows ... your comment may be in order to provide a stimulus for someone who desperately needs to read your words today. 

Disclaimer:  The comments made ​​here are the author's opinion and are in no way a substitute for professional prevention doctor, diagnosis or treatment.Please consult your doctor, pharmacist or health care professional before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested here.Only a specialist can give you advice on what is safe and effective for your specific needs or diagnose your medical history in particular. 

Original Spanish Translation: Team  
Lucid Life.

The truth awaits. Just lying in a hurry . "
Expectations and reality   
Reality is not always up to your expectations. But your expectations always exercise some influence on the way you live your reality.
Your expectations will not magically transported where want arrive. However, those expectations can give you a clear and realistic way in which to travel there.

The expectations do not change the world around you. Instead, they highlight and illuminate certain defined extremely useful portions of that world.
Positive expectations let you see the path that will allow you to move forward. And keep you motivated while you perform the necessary tasks to follow that path.
Reality is what it is, and the conditions are what they are. What you expect of yourself and what you expect for yourself, will strongly influence what you go to make your own reality.
It brings the best possible expectations, all the time. And you're showing yourself how to make life really wonderful.

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