homemade soft scrub
I have been so excited about this post I could hardly wait for today to come! That is either a sign that it’s a really great idea…or that I really need to get a life! lol.
Either way…I think you are going to LOVE this one! Once again, I had to ask myself…why haven’t I thought to try something like this before!?!  I really have no good answer for that. I guess I wasn’t a big user of Soft Scrub to begin with…so it didn’t really occur to me to make a homemade version of it. But now that I have TRIED the homemade version….I’m a FAN! I think you will be too.
A big “Thank You” to Emily at Live Renewed for sharing this homemade solution I never knew I always wanted to try! :-)
Before I tell you how to make it…I’m going to have to eat my words on any past disparaging remarks I have made about liquid castile soap. A couple of things I’ve tried in the past that I didn’t particularly like involved castile soap…so I let that “sour” my opinion of it. I have actually had a big bottle of the stuff under my kitchen sink that has been unopened for MONTHS…until I finally cracked it open for today’s post.
Well, I don’t know what happened before….because I LOVED the way it worked in this recipe. As a matter of fact, it has me re-thinking theLiquid Dish Soap I posted a week ago….more on that later.
I did make one tweak to Emily’s recipe and added some Tea Tree Oil for its’ antibacterial properties.

Homemade Antibacterial Soft Scrub Cleanser:

homemade soft scrub

In a medium sized bowl, combine the baking soda and castile soap. Add the water and tea tree oil and stir with a fork.
After the first 3 ingredients are well combined, SLOWLY add the vinegar. The mixture will bubble up because of the chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar.
Stir until you achieve a paste-like consistency. (I had to add a little more baking soda at this point until it was the “perfect” consistency.)
Transfer to a repurposed dish soap container (or any other container you prefer), grab your sponge and start cleaning!

homemade soft scrub

I had the perfect “challenge” for my new cleaner. My white ceramic kitchen sink, that was NOT looking very white at the time. ugh. It gets so nasty looking! I used to use Ajax and Comet cleanser on it before I discovered Barkeeper’s Friend (a more eco-friendly choice, but still spendy.) Not anymore!  The results below speak for themselves.
 This stuff worked every bit as good, if not better! And I LOVED knowing that all it contained was my beloved baking soda, some vinegar, essential oil, and my new friend….castile soap. :-)
Can’t wait to give it a try in the bathroom! (Yep, I definitely need to get a life!)
  UPDATE – 10/10/12:  There have been some concerns raised about this recipe retaining its’ effectiveness over time. I just wanted to add a postscript this morning (3 weeks later) to say…IT DOES!  Just got finished scrubbing the kitchen sink…again….and it worked every bit as well as the FIRST time I used it.  Plus, I LOVE the smell. :-)  So there ya go.
thank you for visiting.

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