Crucial Reasons to Eat Your Apple a Day

Crucial Reasons to Eat Your Apple a Day

Crucial Reasons to Eat Your Apple a Day
No matter whether it’s a red, green or yellow apple, you should eat it each day to stay healthy and happy. Remember, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’? It’s actually true. Apples are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, and they are an excellent source of fiber. Apples are delicious and versatile and it’s easy to incorporate them into your daily diet. You don’t necessarily have to eat raw apples; apple chips, apple pie, apple smoothies, caramel apples, apple juice, baked apples are all good options. Don’t leave apples on the shelf, here are a few important reasons to eat your apple a day.

1. Apples contain powerful antioxidants

Although most fruits and veggies contain antioxidants, apples are plentiful in one of the most powerful antioxidants, quercetin, which helps combat free radical damage, boost your immune system and prevent different kinds of diseases. Eat your apple in the morning, add it to your morning smoothie, snack on it during your lunch time or before going to bed. If you are a big fan of chips (as I am), but you are trying to eat healthy, consider making apple chips. They are healthy and tasty, and they make a great snack for your kids.

2. Apples keep your eyes healthy

Due to their high antioxidant content, apples help keep your eyes healthy, if you eat at least one apple each day. Apples boast fantastic eye health benefits and may help prevent cataracts. Numerous studies show that people who consume antioxidant-rich fruits, like apples, are less likely to develop cataracts. Make a habit of eating your apple a day now and you might not have to deal with cataracts in your 50s or 60s.

3. Apples are rich in fiber

Apples are an excellent source of fiber that helps regulate digestive system, and overall keeps your intestinal system healthy. Fiber can also help control your hunger and keep you full for longer, which means one apple is a great and healthy snack between meals. Moreover, fibre found in apples can help reduce cholesterol levels and prevent diarrhea and constipation.

4. Apples help detoxify your liver

Apples are good for your liver too. Many people are talking about detox diets, but you should never try any of them if you don’t consult your doctor. After all, it’s hard to stick to any diet, but luckily, you can keep your liver healthy by eating your apple a day. When your liver is healthy, it’s able to keep harmful toxins out of the body without so-called detoxifying powders and drinks. I think it’s a good reason to add that apple to your smoothie, isn’t it?

5. Apples keep your heart healthy

One of the best benefits of eating apples each day is that they help keep your heart healthy. As I mentioned before, the fiber found in apples helps reduce cholesterol levels, which reduces your risk of heart disease. Moreover, apples can aid in preventing the buildup of plaque in your arteries, which lowers your risk of having a heart attack. Did you know that heart disease is the biggest killer of women? Incorporate apples into your eating plan to live a longer and healthier life.

6. Apples boost your endurance

If you want to boost your endurance, try eating an apple before exercising. The thing is, an apple helps make oxygen more accessible to the lungs, making your workout session easier and longer. I often drink an apple smoothie before running and it works wonders for me. So next time you hit the gym, don’t forget to eat your apple or drink an apple smoothie. The result may surprise you!

7. Apples help lose weight

Have you ever heard that dieters should eat mini meals throughout the day? An apple is one of those mini meals you should eat, especially early in the morning, if you are trying to drop weight. Apples are low in calories and it can help suppress your appetite. When you feel hungry, instead of reaching for that candy bar or potato chips, munch on an apple and reap all its health benefits.
While apples are great for dieters, they are also good for everyone. I’m not a huge apple fan, but I know that I need that apple a day, so I use apples in smoothies, juices, fruit salads, pies and sometimes I bake them. I usually buy red and green apples, and what are your favorite apples? Did you know about health benefits of apples? Do you eat your apple each day?

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