Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now

Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now
Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now
In order to make to have a flat belly, it is important for you also to avoid taking sweets, snacks, oily foods during the entire 4 day course of drinking the Sassy water. Instead of eating unhealthy foods, it is recommended that you eat fruits and vegetables that contains high amount of water such as cantaloupe, watermelon, etc. The rationale behind it is that, if your body is properly hydrated, you can avoid occurrence of constipation and flatulence.

Curious of what the ingredients of Sassy Water?
Here’s the list:


  • 8 glasses of water
Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now
  • 1 teaspoon of grinded ginger root
Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now
  • 1 fresh cucumber medium size, sliced thinly
Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now
  • 1 medium size lemon, chopped in thin slices
Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now
  • 12 leaves of peppermint
Flat Belly....Not A Dream Now
As you can see, almost all ingredients has its own natural diuretic effect. This means that, the excess fluid in your body will pass out through urination. Do note that increase in urinary frequency is expected.

Worrying that you might become dehydrated because of the urinary frequency effect it has?

No worries! Because almost all of these ingredients have hydrating effect too. Which means that though you are passing too much urine, your skin will never be dry looking. In fact, your skin will be more radiant and clear.

So how do you prepare a Sassy water?
Here’s how:

Mix all ingredients in a jug
Put it in the fridge overnight
Filter the contents
Start drinking the juice you created (Avoid drinking soda during the Sassy water course)
Drink this powerful juice for at least 4 days to see results
After 4 days, try to measure your waist again and you will be surprised of how much you centimeters you shed off.


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