Amazing Benefits of Garlic

Amazing Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is a powerful medicine. It has been used since 5,000 years in many cultures. Arabs, Greeks, Romans and Egyptians, all civilizations were aware of the benefits of garlic and it was a common item in daily diet. Egyptians made about 22 drugs from garlic. Once you get to know the enormous benefits of this spice, you won’t be bothered by its smell and will surely make it a regular item in your diet.

Garlic stimulates your immune system and helps protect your body from different diseases. It is an excellent healer and is often used as a first aid during sickness or as a preventive measure.
Best Use of Garlic: For the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, it is highly recommended to take garlic when you have empty stomach. Research by a number of scientists has shown that the antibiotic properties of garlic increases, and is more effective when having empty stomach.
An Ideal Antibiotic: Garlic contains more than 400 different mineral components. It is an excellent remedy for fighting common cold, flu and fungal infections. Garlic also contains a phytoncide known as allicin. It has strong bacteriostatic effects and helps treatment of infections faster. Garlic is also rich in Vitamin B, C and D, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphoric and sulfuric acids.        Garlic has the following amazing health benefits:

    • Helps reduce cholesterol levels.
    • Prevents clogging and aging of arteries.
    • Garlic strengthens the immune system.
    • It kills bacteria.
    • Protects against heart diseases
    • Reduces blood pressure.
    • Decrease risk of heart attack by preventing the formation of blood clots.
    • Garlic also kills the cells of malignant brain tumors.
    • Helps in treatment of nervous system disorders.
    • Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is a great remedy of cold and flu.  

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