When the season is changing and mosquitoes become a concern, make some of this homemade mosquito repellent for your protection. It is natural and smells good. You only need a few items to make this homemade mosquito repellent and you might have some at home. We need Aloe Vera gel, tea tree oil, citronella oil, rosemary oil, lemon balm oil or lemongrass oil and honey. Sounds familiar?

If you want, grow some of your own as some of these plants are very easy to grow and don’t need lots of care. You need a new growth from a big Aloe Vera plant that produces every year, lemongrass and lemon balm spreads like a weed. Ask from friends and neighbors and grow your own in a pot or you can buy a natural Aloe Vera gel product and the rest of the oils from your local health food store.
For the recipe we will use two cups of the aloe vera, mix in a glass bowl or large glass jar. I prefer mixing with a wooden spoon or handle, but it will absorb some of the essential oil odor, which is fresh and clean smelling, yet harmless because it’s natural.

2 cups clear aloe vera gel - vital component
2 teaspoons tea tree oil - vital component
2 teaspoons citronella essential oil - vital component
1/2 teaspoon rosemary essential oil - optional component
1 teaspoon lemonbalm or lemongrass essential oil - optional. A helpful component and adds to the light fresh scent.
1/2 teaspoon honey - optional. Honey is a healing agent and also adds creamy moisture ability to the repellent gel. It does not make gel sticky.

Pour aloe vera gel into bowl or jar. Add the essential oils --I do not actually measure them out, just approximate amounts if you wish since I use some fresh herbs at times. Stir in oils thoroughly, and as you do the mixture will turn translucent rather than clear.
For use, just rub on arms, legs, neck, face and ears, even clothing if you make sure it will not be affected by the oils. It would probably irritate the eyes although it is actually a healing gel too. Pour into jars or bottles that are colored to protect it from direct sunlight for longer storage. It will last a long time. 

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is this information meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. When in doubt, please do more research.


  1. It is true that when the season is changing and mosquitoes become a concern, make some of this homemade mosquito repellent for your protection.In case you are allergic to commercial repellents, you will be happy to know that we are offering you a very safe Natural Mosquito Repellent that can be used by people of all ages, including babies.

  2. Season changes are a nightmare for us and treat for mosquitoes.
    Mosquitoes breed most between various seasons. So this trick to make homemade mosquito repellent is perfect to counter attack these fatal insects.
    Nevertheless, some people like me do not like applying these repellents on their skin or are allergic to it.
    So I asked one of my friends who suggested a website which provides complete steps to make homemade bottle traps to kill these killer insects


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