Healthy Balanced Diet

   Healthy Balanced Diet

A balanced diet that is made up of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
It's recommended our total daily calorie intake should comprise of:
  • Fat - 30-35%
  • Protein - 15%
  • Carbohydrates - 50-55%
Vitamins and minerals come from a range of foods within the three food groups mentioned.

The key to a healthy balanced diet is:
  • eating the right amount of food for how active you are
  • eating a range of foods – this is what balanced means
The range of foods in your diet should include:
  • plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • plenty of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods (choosing wholegrain varieties when possible)
  • some milk and dairy foods (choosing lower-fat varieties when possible)
  • some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
  • just a small amount of foods high in fat and sugar
  • the different types of food you need to eat
  • how much of what you eat should come from each food group

Healthy eating tips

Eating well plays an important part in maintaining good health. Below are eight practical tips that cover the basics of healthy eating and can help you make healthier choices:
  • Base your meals on starchy foods as these give you energy. Choose wholegrain varieties (or eat potatoes with their skins on) when you can: they contain more fibre.
  • Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day. See 5 a day: what counts? for more information.
  • Eat more fish. Eat at least two portions of fish every week, including one portion of oily fish such as mackerel or sardines. If you’re vegetarian and don’t eat fish, see five essential nutrients for vegetarians for more information on a healthy vegetarian diet.
  • Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. See healthy food swaps for healthier choices.
  • Eat less salt – no more than 6g a day for adults. For tips on how to do this, see Say no to salt.
  • Get active and be a healthy weight. Use the healthy weight calculator to check if your weight is healthy.
  • Drink plenty of water, about six to eight glasses of water (or other fluids) every day. To find out why this is important, see water and drinks.
  • Don’t skip breakfast because it gives you the energy you need for the day. See five healthy breakfasts for ideas.
                                                                                         & Thanks to All.

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