7 ways to promote your blog

7 ways to promote your blog

7 ways to promote your blog
Promotion Literally means to create buzz about your product or service, if you don’t have any of it, consider your blog a Product and promote it, which means, tell people that your blog exists, if you don’t tell them, who else is going to.
It is said charity begins at home, it’s not charity but it should begin at home. Hire yourself for this job. Few things are as-
  1. Tell friends and family to spread the News to their Friends. This is a good way to get instant reader for your blog. If your Blog is on a Particular Topic, You Chances of making them regular readers will increase.
  2. Submit your Blog in Directories all over the internet, do a Google search, look for free directories and submit your blog url there. Two best things will happen to your blog, (a) Back Links (which increases your Blog’s Page Rank) and (b) Traffic (Visitors) to your blog. Little boring process, but helpful in the long run.
  3. Comment on other Blogs related to your topic. Why related? Because you will find people who are searching for a particular thing that blog offers, your chances of getting that visitor to visit your blog increases. Plus you get a link back.
  4. Create Social Networking Profiles, every business needs networking, if you consider your blog a business (and you should) you should create as many profiles you can. Facebook, Orkut, Linked In are few Examples of Social Networking Sites.
  5. Use Social Bookmarking Sites, like the 4th point, this one works in the same way, you have to create a profile and share your articles on them, if its good, people will share it with others, a chain will follow and you get tons of visitors. Stumble Upon, Digg, etc are few of them.
  6. Link Back to Other Blogs, this one works well too, when you link back to any blog post of a blogger, there is a possibility that the blogger will do the same for your blog, be optimistic about it and you will get success in it.
  7. Do Guest Posts, if you are not a celebrity, no one is going to ask you to write a guest post on their blog, so, you should take the initiative, go search for blogs related to yours, contact them, ask them if you can do a guest post, guest post will contain a short bio about you and your blog, and you will get his visitors to visit your blog. If they like your blog, they will continue to visit again.

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