Exercise Agilities Program
Exercise Agilities Program These agilities can help you drop pounds and pounds, and you only have to do this work out once a week to see results! It's a quick, easy way to drop a few pounds a month of your abs and thighs. Steps 1 Understand that there are six stations in these agilities. 2 Do each station for 30 seconds, increasing the time by about 5 seconds (if you want) each week. 3 Do this work-out at least once a week. Do all the stations, no breaks in between, and then take a break. 4 After you get some water and rest for about 3 min, you repeat all 6 stations. Do the stations 4 times. This is a great work-out. 5 Get started. Here are the six stations: 1st station. Do jump squats. All you need to do is stand with your feet about shoulder width facing forward, jump up, and then when you come back down, have your feet facing out. Repeat that over and over again. 2nd station. Perform sit-ups. Do not do neck-ups, as that is ch...