When Is Thinner Better?

What thinner the better

Scary SECRET WORLD Instagram 'almost killed me skinny selfiji'

Scary SECRET WORLD Instagram 'almost killed me skinny selfiji'

The teenager who is suffering from anorexia after becoming obsessed with 'thinspiration' (thin inspirations) photos on Instagram, warns that the use of social networks caused her starvation.

17-year-old India Edmonds has developed an eating disorder with only 14 years, after he began obsessively compare with stars like Care Delevingne and Alexa Chung , as well as other anorexic children and teenagers. Mirror Onlinefound that children aged 10 years already communicate secretly via Instagram, where they share tips to lose weight, vomit eaten and starve it, without their parents to notice. India has had only 14 years old when he joined the Instagram community and began to use 'thinspiration' - photos extremely thin women that others should encourage the weight loss. "All the schools were on Instagram. The girls are all public photos and always seemed to be thinner and more beautiful than me," admits India. Even though he weighed 57 pounds of healthy, has become obsessed in their search for pictures of skinny girls. "I loved their skinny thighs with a hole between, and I have always hated their feet. I remember one out in shorts and tops of my thighs are are rubbed against each other. I hated it. Also, one kid at school said to have short, stubby legs, and I remained in my memory, "recalls India. India is soon began to vomit the food they ate, provided that is somewhat reduced menu until it came up that she lived on three packets of jelly and juice one day.

Photo: instagram

With such a strict diet, adhere to the strict regime of exercise that involved three hours in the gym and the pool. After six monthly fasting and accepting advice from other patients on Instagram, India has fallen to only 38 pounds. At home, passed out, and her mother took her to the hospital. Although it looked like a corpse, as she says, had never been aware that he was suffering from anorexia. On selfijima would've been nice, but it looked horrible.

Photo: instagram

From March to September 2013, was in the hospital, where he forcibly fed through a tube, because even though the doctors told her that he must eat if you do not want to die, she could not get her to eat. Interestingly, the hospital began to photograph more selfija than ever before, and secretly practiced in the bathroom.

Photo: instagram

Today, India is recovering and has 47 pounds, but still receive messages from girls who want to look like her at thinnest days.


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