Home Remedy for Cough

The weather is changing and our body face the change with courage. However, there are days when our body just don't cooperate with what we hope for. This is a very common problem in most of us. When the season switched from one to another quarter, we have to deal with getting something. It could be cough, cold, allergies and other things we do not want to go through, especially when the holiday season is getting closer. Usually it starts with a sore throat, and then escalate to cough, dry cough and on and on. We try to avoid getting sick because we want to enjoy the merry HOHOHO and the joys of spending time with family and friends who are dear to us. PhysiciansCare Cherry Flavored Cough/Sore Throat Lozenges 50/bx (Google Affiliate Ad) Here's a home remedy that is easy for the budget and relieves cough. You can generally find the ingredients at home. If you love spicy food, cayenne pepper is the best. Ginger is also food for digestion. Honey? Did I say honey? Ye...